Friday, 11 March 2016


One day someone said these words to me " You're just like your father" I was so embarrassed, I pictured my father in my head. He wasn't somebody I could be proud of not because he had no money or had a fancy job but because of who he was. It made me sick to a point I wished the ground would open up and swallow me right there. I wasn't offended that I had been likened to a stranger. This was my father, my biological father but who he was that's what made me sick. His deeds.
I told myself that I wanted to change. I don't want my children face the same humiliation. I have to change into someone different, someone they could be proud of. Not because my face will be on billboards but because I will be a good father figure to them.
If you are reading this I want you to close your eyes and in your mind imagine your daughter/son was dating someone like you and they're about to get married. Now open your eyes, how did you feel? Sad right? Then you need to change, you need to change from the person you are right now.
Say God I need you to work on my soul and mould me into a better a person. I need You to change my life , I need You to build me into the right person I was meant to be. Forgive me my sins. He'll forgive you, He is the Father of forgiveness, it is written in his word.
We cannot change the past but we can change the future. They say you don't know your future but you are the path that leads to it. You are the one who decides your future , you are the key to your tomorrow. You have that power to change it.
When you pray, don't just pray for riches, cars, food. Yes we all need that but there's something more important we're missing "a brighter future, a better tomorrow". We think that if we have money we will have happiness in our lives. We can have all the riches on earth and still not be happy if we do not have Christ in our lives. We need to invite Him first in our hearts and everything else will flow. Just like flooded rivers , it will flow.
In your prayer say God I want a happy family, I want my children to know You before they know anything else. I want them to read Your word and understand it. I want them to that You God alone, You are the ruler of all the earth, You are the door to everything we need in our lives.
Before your children reach the age of going to school they should be knowing who God is. They should be able to pray on their own. Children raised in a family that puts God first, grow to be better parents and they'll teach the same things that you taught them to their children up to the next generation.
Be the person you would want your child to meet. Be a good parent to your children and your name shall be remembered in heaven.

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